Jan 7, 2015 | home remodeling contractor, Moorestown renovation, remodeling trends for 2015
While only 65% of Americans currently own their homes (the lowest percentage in 20 years) buying of previously-owned houses has increased once again over the past year. Keeping pace with the trend, remodeling has also hit a new one-year high, with some very specific...
Dec 28, 2014 | design a dream nursery, Home renovation contractor, Moorestown home remodeling
It’s almost time. Your new arrival is going to make his (or her) appearance in the next few months. You’re finally over the morning sickness, and all you want to do now is get the nursery ready for baby’s big day. But you’re stuck for ideas—there are just so many to...
Dec 21, 2014 | Cherry Hill home renovation, Home renovation contractor, teen boy bedroom
Teenage boys are a unique species. They’re just starting to know what they want in life, but don’t always know how to ask for it. One minute they’re acting like adults, the next they still seem like the little ones you remember so well. Creating a haven for your teen...